Women Who Code Frontend
Community Lead
A global remote community of 4000+ women web frontend lovers and enthusiasts.
In the past 2+ years since I actively started teaching, I've reached over 50,000 people in Tech. It's a bold number, you say? What if I told you, my articles on freeCodeCamp alone have accrued more than 100,000 reads since January 2023? Yes, you read right. 😌
Community Lead
A global remote community of 4000+ women web frontend lovers and enthusiasts.
Women Who Code Connect 2023
I spoke to 120+ women about improving the performance of their website and applications using Lighthouse from Google Chrome DevTools.
WTM - International Women’s Day 2023
I taught 15 women about Progressive Web Apps - how to create one from scratch and how to convert an existing web application into one.
DevFest Accra 2022
Addressed over 60 attendees on the importance of creating websites and apps that can be used by people of varying abilities.
freeCodeCamp, January 2024
In this article, I share essential tips and strategies for refining CSS code, ensuring web pages load quicker and provide a smoother user experience.
freeCodeCamp - October 2022
In this article, I offer a step-by-step guide on harnessing the power of CSS Grid and Flexbox to craft web layouts that adapt seamlessly to any screen size.
freeCodeCamp - September 2022
In this article, I delve into the inner workings of the JS DOM, with hands-on examples to master manipulating web page content and behavior dynamically.