I teach web concepts through technical articles and speaking at events.

In the past 2+ years since I actively started teaching, I've reached over 50,000 people in Tech. It's a bold number, you say? What if I told you, my articles on freeCodeCamp alone have accrued more than 100,000 reads since January 2023? Yes, you read right. 😌


Women Who Code Frontend

Community Lead

A global remote community of 4000+ women web frontend lovers and enthusiasts.


How to Excite (and Retain!) Users With Your Website Performance

Women Who Code Connect 2023

I spoke to 120+ women about improving the performance of their website and applications using Lighthouse from Google Chrome DevTools.

Building Your First Progressive Web App

WTM - International Women’s Day 2023

I taught 15 women about Progressive Web Apps - how to create one from scratch and how to convert an existing web application into one.

Accessible Web: Why You Should Care

DevFest Accra 2022

Addressed over 60 attendees on the importance of creating websites and apps that can be used by people of varying abilities.
